Restaurant Moki Modern Kitchen

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Gara Herastrau 4d

Bucuresti Sector 1, Bucuresti

0739 223 322

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It is a magical place, a modern kitchen for those who want to escape: Enjoy the unique atmosphere around you! Listen to special live music! Try something new ! Have a drink and talk to the stranger next to you! Empty your mind! Grab a bite or just enjoy the people and the scenery: Be hopeful and smile! Look up! MOKI – Modern Kitchen was born following an experience of 30 years within the hospitality industry, where Nordic Group plays as a supplier for the most exclusive restaurants, 5 stars hotels or top confectionaries: We have always brought to the Romanian market the newest international trends: Everything came to a pick when we opened „Stephane Glacier” School, Stepahne being a pastry art world champion and MOF – Meilleure Ouvrier de France: Then MOKI emerged as a natural next step, concieved to set the trends in culiary art as well as within entertainment, in Romania:

Moki Modern Kitchen din Bucuresti Sector 1 va sta la dispozitie cu programul de lucru, orar si alte detalii de contact. Restaurantul este printre cele mai populare restaurante si locatii in judetul Bucuresti.

Mai sus gasesti informatii si meniul restaurantului Moki Modern Kitchen impreuna cu orarul sau programul de lucru, numarul de telefon, adresa si alte informatii legat de restaurantul Moki Modern Kitchen. Restaurantele listate pe au cele mai gustoase preparate din judetul Bucuresti, iar aici gasesti toate detaliile pentru a comanda mancare de la Moki Modern Kitchen din Bucuresti Sector 1.

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