Restaurant Sabres

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Strada Craiova nr: 1

Timisoara, Timis

0356 430 001

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Sabres (opened back in 2006) was conceived as a fish specialized restaurant-the sole restaurant of this kind in Timisoara: The quality and the freshness of our dishes are guaranteed by Sabiko, company that by opening this restaurant continued in a natural way its activity started back in 1994 of fish import and processing (one of the few companies of this kind in Banat area):Given our track record in preparing food, we offer a good range of fish and sea food dishes but also traditional non fish menus (meat based or vegetarian food): Based on your fine choices, our wines or deserts offering, is complementing our kitchen:Our endeavor to present you the simple (but the very best) taste is completed by a team of excellent chefs with great experience in cooking: Our motto is passion, while our philosophy is the perfect balance between the quality of dishes, services, atmosphere and price:

Sabres din Timisoara va sta la dispozitie cu programul de lucru, orar si alte detalii de contact. Restaurantul este printre cele mai populare restaurante si locatii in judetul Timis.

Mai sus gasesti informatii si meniul restaurantului Sabres impreuna cu orarul sau programul de lucru, numarul de telefon, adresa si alte informatii legat de restaurantul Sabres. Restaurantele listate pe au cele mai gustoase preparate din judetul Timis, iar aici gasesti toate detaliile pentru a comanda mancare de la Sabres din Timisoara.

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