Restaurant Bulgakov Café

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Strada Inocențiu Micu Klein 17

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj

0264 450 156

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Bulgakov Café was opened thanks to the businessman Nagy Elek, writer Méhes György‘s son, under the management of Transylvanian cuisine enthusiast, Kovács Ferenc and Orbán János Dénes, poet turned tavern-keeper: On June 12th, 2002, Faludy György, master of Hungarian poetry and Transylvania lover, declared Bulgakov Café officially open: This symbol of Cluj turned 18 in 2020, giving us the opportunity of a short and nostalgic review of these past event-filled 18 years:

Bulgakov Café din Cluj-Napoca va sta la dispozitie cu programul de lucru, orar si alte detalii de contact. Restaurantul este printre cele mai populare restaurante si locatii in judetul Cluj.

Mai sus gasesti informatii si meniul restaurantului Bulgakov Café impreuna cu orarul sau programul de lucru, numarul de telefon, adresa si alte informatii legat de restaurantul Bulgakov Café. Restaurantele listate pe au cele mai gustoase preparate din judetul Cluj, iar aici gasesti toate detaliile pentru a comanda mancare de la Bulgakov Café din Cluj-Napoca.

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