Restaurant Sub Tampa

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Aleea Tiberiu Brediceanu 1

Brasov, Brasov

0740 316 661

Meniu restaurant

Meniul prezentat mai sus este inclus direct de pe site-ul restaurantului Sub Tampa si nu face parte din platforma Pentru a efectua o comanda online, iti recomandam sa navighezi pe site-ul restaurantului!
Carefully researched and gathered from old books and manuscripts from forgotten times, traditional Romanian recipes are being artfully reinterpreted by our chefs team, lead by Bogdan and Remus, in the classical cooking style, with accents sprinkled throughout history via the various influences, of the grand western cuisines: Traditional Romanian cooking, as we know it today, is vastly limited to the second half of the XIX-th centrury, but authentic Romaian, also means oysters, river shells and crabs: After months of research we unravel and shed light upon recipes as old as 1600 and all the way up to the 1900s, both from the aristocratic cuisine, with French and Austrian influences, as well as that of the common folk, who would often send eachother recipes on greetings and post cards

Sub Tampa din Brasov va sta la dispozitie cu programul de lucru, orar si alte detalii de contact. Restaurantul este printre cele mai populare restaurante si locatii in judetul Brasov.

Mai sus gasesti informatii si meniul restaurantului Sub Tampa impreuna cu orarul sau programul de lucru, numarul de telefon, adresa si alte informatii legat de restaurantul Sub Tampa. Restaurantele listate pe au cele mai gustoase preparate din judetul Brasov, iar aici gasesti toate detaliile pentru a comanda mancare de la Sub Tampa din Brasov.

Iti dorim navigare usoara si pofta buna pentru mancarea comandata!

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